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In one of the many tales of human inception Prometheus, a Greek God, was our creator.  There are other versions where he did not actually create us but rather just gave us fire which enabled our creative thinking.  This fire was stolen from the Gods and given to humanity.  The crime sparked vengeance in Zeus, the Greatest Greek God, and subsequent punishment to Prometheus was delivered in the way of hurting humanity through illness as well as a separate punishment which Prometheus himself was to endure.

The dictionary version of Prometheus is

noun, Classical Mythology.

a Titan, the father of Deucalion and brother of Atlas and Epimetheus, who taught humankind various arts and was sometimes said to have shaped humans out of clay and endowed them with the spark of life. For having stolen fire from Olympus and given it to humankind in defiance of Zeus, he was chained to a rock where an eagle daily tore at his liver, until he was finally released by Hercules.( http://www.dictionary.com/browse/prometheus)


This has a direct correlation to the story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation of the creature as well as Crake and his creation of the Crakers.  It is more closely related to Frankenstein because the punishment for his creation was, in fact, torment and death.  He was tortured emotionally by the deaths of his loved ones and each new death renewed his grief and torment.  In either case both scientists used the gift given to them by Prometheus to create that which should never have been created.  They defied the laws of nature and committed a crime just as Prometheus had when he stole the fire.  Their love of the intellectual journey, just as Prometheus seemed to love the scientific experiment of humans, resulted in emotional agony and death.  While Prometheus may have been seen as defying his own kind to help ours it cannot be forgotten that we must remember all actions have consequences.  As nice as it is that we have creative thoughts, medicine, writing and technology would we have been happier living in simple bliss?  Maybe there would have been no wars and a lack of creative thought means no foundation for deceit.  If one is not careful those consequences may not be worth whatever the action is.  Had Victor Frankenstein started with a mouse maybe he would have lived a much happier life and his family would have not died as a result of his actions.


